Bona Terra Plantings

The Bona Terra Group Plant Grant Program mission's is to annually place one million seedlings into the hands of community members and in turn, those seedlings are put into the ground to support our ecosystems. 

The Plant Grant program is open to a diverse range of applicants who share the common goal of enhancing their communities with native plants. Eligible groups include not-for-profit organizations, garden clubs, schools, scout troops, gatherings of friends and family, or any collective with a sincere desire to introduce native flora into the local landscape.

The Hill & Valley Garden Club became recipients in 2023, and again in 2024.   The photographs are club members transplanting "dibbling" the hundreds of sprouts into growing pots.

Seedlings received in 2023.

Members - Joan, Brenda, Julie, and Sherry transplanting the seedlings.   2023

Marcia preparin the labels and plants.   2023

2024 - Working inside the Church Fellowship Hall as the weather was too hot.  Members - Lisa, Will, Frank (at door), Jane, and Susan.

2024 - Fill pots with soil, then dibble.   Julie filling pots with dirt.  Adelheid taking photos.

Linda with the trays that are done.

2024 - Marcia, Katie, and newest member Carol.

Many, many labels to write.  Adelheid enjoys doing the writing.

2024 - Moon came for a visit.

Dibbling....   ''Just 3 Words'' for the newspaper.