Ways We Give

Civic Giving Activities

~ Maintaining the Old County Cemetery on West Main Street and The Bethany Veney Memorial Garden, Carillon Park.

~ Funding Educational Studies Scholarships to Page County and Luray High Schools

~ Maintaining the Memorial Trees, honoring club members, at Ralph Dean Park in Luray

~ Adorning the Page County Library’s check-out desk with a Flower Arrangement, bi-monthly, created by our HVGC members.

~ Donating funds to Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs (VFGC) programs

~ Donation of needed items to local charities or family assistance programs

~ Donating to Plant a Tree (formerly Penny Pines) 
    (Each donation of $68 is called a “plantation” and provides for the planting of approximately 200+ tree seedlings.)


Plaque at the Old Town Cemetery, in Luray, that we help maintain.

Maintaining the Memorial Trees at Ralph Dean Park.

Example of the Flowers for the Library.

Participating in the Blue Star Memorial at Luray Caverns, 2022.

Some of the Memorial Trees and Ralph Dean Park in Luray.

Helping the Girl Scouts with their Monarch Waystation.

Donation to the Page Public Library in 
Doris Miller's memory.

2024 - Donated Trex Bench at Imagination Station Rec Park

Donated Trex Bench