Welcome to the Members Page

Oct. 1, 1:30 PM meeting of Hill and Valley Garden Club at Luray United Methodist Church
Attending were Lesley, Brenda, Julie, Lisa, Carol, Marcia, Susan, Katie, and Will. Katie opened the meeting at 1:40 PM.
Library duty: Linda on 10/7; Will on 10/14; Adelheid on 10/21; Lisa on 10/28
Going to the District meeting: Lesley, Katie, Will
Our bulb sale is 10/12 from 10-4 at the Caverns museum area. Lesley will bring tables; Julie will provide canopies that Will is going to drop off around 9:30 AM. BYO chairs. Adelheid will handle the credit card payments via Square.
The plaque for our donated bench at Ralph Dean Park has been installed. It would be good to get a photo for the paper.
Cemetery clean-up Oct. 30 (Wed.) at 10 AM.
Luray United Methodist Church has asked us if we'd like to have a table at their Fall Fest on Nov. 2. We discussed perhaps participating if we have a lot of unsold bulbs from the bulb sale.
Treasurer report: Bank balance is $6,295.
We received a card from Doris' Miller's family, thanking us for the donation to the library in Doris' name.
Holiday luncheon is Dec. 10 at the American Legion.
We got busy packaging the hundreds of bulbs members had brought to the meeting. Then we assembled for a "Just 3 Words" photo to advertise our bulb sale: "Plant Fall Bulbs"
The meeting ended at 3:00 PM.
Next meeting: Nov. 7, a Thursday, at the church. We will be working on herbariums.