Working Hand in Hand With Nature...

...For the Community

The Hill & Valley Garden Club promotes gardening among amateurs to include arranging, culture, and study of flowers; protecting native trees, wildflowers, and birds; and encouraging conservation of our natural resources. 

...For the Environment

The Hill & Valley Garden Club's  Environmental mission  is to review local environmental problems, their possible solutions,  promote environmental awareness and to advocate sound environmental stewardship.  

             ...For Education

The Hill & Valley Garden Club is an Educational introduction to the art and science of gardening by encouraging creativity and leadership skills through an awareness of the environment and its people.  


You Are Invited!           
If you would like to join the Hill & Valley Garden Club, please contact: 

Katie Sokol, our president, to attend a meeting or receive more info.      

February 4, 2025 - Monthly Meeting
1:30 pm at Luray United Methodist Church, 1 Main Street, Luray

Workshop - Kokedama Balls, Lesley Mack, presenter

Kokedama (Japanese for "moss ball") is a style of potting up plants in a ball of moss and displaying them in a dish or suspended in the air.   The style comes from a centuries-old tradition of exhibiting the exposed root ball of a bonsai specimen 

on a plate to highlight its elegant root system.   As time passed, moss would accumulate on the roots, enhancing the display. 

Please bring:

      Low or medium light plants are best.  

All other supplies will be provided.

February's Design -

Panel Design is not to be interpreted as a staging device or confused with the above staging panel descriptions.  (NGC p. 36, 75)  

    Panel Design – a Creative Design using a structural panel/s as an integral part of the design. 

    1. The panel/s may be self-supporting or rely on a container/s or devices for support. 

    2. Panel components may be of any material, shape or form, solid or transparent, or any combination.


Garden Lover's Day for 2025,  Saturday, May 17th, 10-4 pm .  Hope to see you there!

If you are interested in obtaining an Environmental Scholarship from the Hill and Valley Garden Club,
please click on the button below.

2024 Scholarship Recipients Alexis Kibler and Sophia Williams

Hill & Valley Scholarship Program

We recently completed another successful year awarding two $500 scholarships to Luray High School and Page County High School
graduating seniors.  This year we had multiple applicants from both schools to choose from.

The Page County HS recipient was Alexis Kibler, who will be pursuing a career in Wildlife Biology at Laurel Ridge Community College. 

Sophia Williams, from Luray High School, will be studying Urban Planning at the University of Pittsburgh. 

Many thanks to Inez Myers who has chaired the scholarship program since 2018.  

Julie Edmonds assisted with attending a school career day to help spread the word about the program.  She also presented the Luray High School award on June 4th, and member Delynda Hendricks presented the Page County award the following night.

Sophia Williams, Luray High School Senior, receiving her Scholarship from Julie Edmonds.

Wonderful thank you notes from Sophia and Alexis.